Policies, education and mobilization

Despite the enormity of the challenge, evidence and experience strongly suggest that substance use problems can be reduced.  Such efforts require the political will to tackle the problems and a smart mix of government policies, education activities, and mobilization of communities and NGOs.  Particular attention should focus on implementing evidenced-based strategies, which necessarily include interventions to reduce the availability and the affordability of alcohol and illicit drugs.

World Bank report on youth raise alcohol issue

The recently published World Development Report 2007 - Development and the Next Generation is all about the importance of young people in the development issue. Alcohol is among the risky health behaviours that influence their lives.

29. September 2006

Asia Pacific Alcohol Alliance formed

During an Alcohol Policy conference in Bangkok i August the Asia Pacific Alcohol Policy Alliance (APAPA) was launched.

29. September 2006

WPRO Regional Committee passes resolution and strategy on alcohol

The fifty-seventh session of the WHO Regional Committee for the Western Pacific - 18 to 22 September 2006 in Auckland, New Zealand drew up measures to reduce alcohol-related harm. It passed a resolution and a regional strategy to reduce alcohol-related harm.

25. September 2006

WHO SEARO passes resolution on alcohol

The WHO SEARO Regional Committee meeting in Dhaka 21-25 August adopted a resolution on ‘Alcohol consumption control - policy options in the South-East Asia Region

25. August 2006

WHO SEARO initiatives on alcohol

WHO SEARO has taken several initiatives on alcohol. This includes several new publications.

25. August 2006

Framework for alcohol policy in the WHO European Region

In 2005 the WHO Regional Committee for Europe endorsed the Framework for alcohol policy in the WHO European Region. It is designed to succeed the regional action plans from 1992-99 and 2000-05.

21. August 2006

WHO EURO Alcohol control database

The Alcohol control database provides data to track and assess alcohol policies and their implementation within and across countries of the European region.

23. June 2006

Brazil's New Closing Time

Tima Magazine report on how one city's decision to shut down bars before midnight has served as a model for cutting crime and alcoholism in a nation plagued by both.

01. June 2006

Researcher and government official on WHO and alcohol

The journal Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs in 2005 carried two articles on WHO and alcohol. Robin Room writes the history of ups and downs of two decades, while Norwegian government official, Bernt Bull, elaborates on the the Nordic countries and the WHA 58:26 resolution.

01. June 2006
Forside Strategies 120p

Book: ”Strategies to Address Alcohol Problems”

Professor Diyanath Samarasinghe, Sri Lanka, and FORUT has written the book ”Strategies to Address Alcohol Problems”. The book is a tool to achieve better results in alcohol prevention highly relevant in developing countries, as well as countries with a Western drinking culture and political tradition.