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Researcher and government official on WHO and alcohol

The journal Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs in 2005 carried two articles on WHO and alcohol. Robin Room writes the history of ups and downs of two decades, while Norwegian government official, Bernt Bull, elaborates on the the Nordic countries and the WHA 58:26 resolution.

Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs is published in Finland by Stakes, the National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Healt, in-co-operation with the Nordic Council for Alcohol and Drug Research (NAD). It mostly publish research in the Nordic languages, but also have one English edition every year. in 2005 the two following titles were focusing on WHO and the alcohol issue:

Robin Room:  Alcohol and the World Health Organization: The ups and downs of two decades
Bernt Bull: The Nordic countries and the WHO Resolution on Alcohol at the 58th World Health Assembly, May 2005

You can download the articles by downloading the English Supplement, Vol. 22, 2005 (PDF) from the Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.