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WHO launches Global Alcohol Policy Report

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has recently published the Global Status Report: Alcohol Policy. It aims to describe the present status of existing alcohol policies worldwide. The report is based on a review of existing policies in 118 countries and provides a brief snapshot of what is known about the effectiveness of alcohol policy measures.


Previously WHO has published two more Global Status Reports. The first on Alcohol in 1999 and the next on Alcohol and Young People (2001) The report is part of the work coming from the WHO Global Alcohol Database.

In the Forword to the report, Assistant Director-General, Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health, Dr Catherine Le Galès-Camus points to the growing recognition that alcohol consumption is a significant contributor to the global burden of disease. Thus alcohol requires greater attention by the public health community. The Global Status Report: Alcohol Policy presents in a comprehensive way the current status of alcohol policies in much of the world and provides an objective first baseline on which to monitor and build relevant alcohol policies globally.

The report may be downloaded from the WHO alcohol publication site. Here you will also find the other Global status reports along with such volums as "Alcohol in Developing Societies: A Public Health Approach" and "Alcohol and Public Health in 8 Developing Countries".

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