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Journal of Public Health Policy special edition on alcohol marketing and youth

Journal of Public Health Policy carried a special section on Alcohol marketing and youth - public health perspectives in 2005. David H. Jernigan and Jams F. Mosher were the Special Section Editors.

Øystein Bakke

This special section focuses on a critical aspect of youth drinking - alcohol marketing and young people - examining the alcohol industry's sophisticated marketing techniques, their global reach and their impact on young people. Its purpose is to stimulate discussion and debate, public health research, and policy reform.

The articles are available in pdf at the Journal of Public Health Policy web site: September 2005, Volume 26, Number 3


Editors' Introduction: Alcohol Marketing And Youth - Public Health Perspectives 
David H Jernigan & James F Mosher, Special Section Editors 

Commentary: Alcohol Marketing and Youth: The Challenge for Public Health 
David A Kessler

Alcohol Marketing and Young People's Drinking: A Review of the Research 
Gerard Hastings, Susan Anderson, Emma Cooke & Ross Gordon 

Alcohol Advertising and Youth: A Measured Approach 
David H Jernigan, Joshua Ostroff & Craig Ross 

Flavored Alcoholic Beverages: An International Marketing Campaign that Targets Youth 
James F Mosher & Diane Johnsson 

Regulation of Alcohol Marketing: A Global View 
Sally Casswell & Anna Maxwell 

Trade Treaties and Alcohol Advertising Policy 
Ellen Gould 



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