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FORUT projects in five countries

FORUT will contribute to social mobilisation of the poor and oppressed in their struggle for human rights, being instrumental in reforming society to be responsive to these rights and needs. Solidarity means putting respect above pity, struggling together with underprivileged groups.

FORUT draws a clear line against gifts or alms, but wishes to participate in the mobilisation and activation of human resources. An important task is organising against unjust, repressive and exploitative structures. We are working for a higher economic standard for the poor, but also for securing their daily lives, increasing their freedom and integrity, strengthening their social rights and contributing to human development.


Five countries

FORUT is running projects in five countries:
Sri Lanka
Sierra Leone

Alcohol, Drugs and Development

FORUT has a special emphasis on alcohol and drugs as a cause of poverty and hindrance to development. You may read the Alcohol, Drugs and Development Strategy here.


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FORUT, Solidaritetsaksjon for utvikling
Boks 300, 2803 Gjøvik, Tlf: 611 87400, Fax: 611 87401, E-post:
FORUTs kontonr: 7220.05.36348

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