Since 1981 FORUT - Campaign for Development and Solidarity has been involved in development assistance in Africa and Asia. Presently FORUT is involved in Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Sierra Leone and Malawi. FORUT is also doing extensive information work in schools and pre-schools.
FORUT changes implementation model in Sri Lanka
FORUT will change its implementation model in Sri Lanka following a decision taken by the board and management of FORUT International at a meeting held recently.
FORUT’s thematically areas of priority may be grouped into four: Alcohol, Drugs and Development (ADD), Child Rights and Development, Gender and Women’s Rights, Crisis Response and Recovery.
A Global Alcohol Strategy adopted by the World Health Assembly
The World Health Assembly passed on the 20th of May a resolution endorsing a Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol. It was a very interesting discussion in the Assembly where some 35 member states spoke - all in favour of the strategy. Three NGOs/civil society alliances also made statements supporting the resolution.
COLOMBO, 16 February 2009: The United Nations concern for the welfare of the civilian population caught up in the fighting has heightened based on reports received in the last few days.
Former FORUT board member, Mr Knut Storberget, is appointed Minister of Justice in new Norwegian Government and Norwegian facilitator in the Sri Lanka peace process, Mr Erik Solheim, is new minister of International Development.
Morten Lønstad has been appointed new Secretary-General of FORUT as of June 1, 2005. He succeeds Terje Heggernes, who have been Secretary-General of FORUT since its foundation in 1981.