Alcohol taxation 800p - IOGT International 2015 - front page
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For the ultra-processed food and drink industries, as with tobacco and alcohol, there is a clear evidence that public regulation and market intervention can help prevent the potential harm caused by ‘unhealthy commodities’, and that these industries should not have a role in national alcohol policy formulation.

(The World Bank)

New IOGT publication on alcohol taxation:

A Win-Win Measure for Financing Development

Alcohol taxation is an evidence-based, useful, impactful tool to generate funding for sustainable development. It creates a win-win situation for developing and developed countries alike. This is the key message in a new publication on alcohol taxation published by IOGT International.

With reference to existing evidence as well as examples from selected countries the new IOGT publication explains how taxation of alcoholic beverages can give double effect. It can prevent and reduce disease and disability caused by alcohol use, and it can produce revenues for financing of health promotion as well as of sustainable development.

The IOGT publication starts by presenting some basic facts on alcohol as risk factor for disease and disability, followed by some examples of countries which have used alcohol taxation and also earmarking of tax revenues for public health promotion and for alcohol prevention more specifically.

Furthermore, reference is made to key international institutions and their recommendation of alcohol taxation as one of the “nest buys” in alcohol policy; the WHO Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol, The World Economic Forum, OEDC and the World Bank, among others.

The booklet can be viewed and downloaded from the IOGT International web site here.

Alcohol taxation report - IOGT Int - page 21 - 800p.jpg