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WHO SEARO passes resolution on alcohol

The WHO SEARO Regional Committee meeting in Dhaka 21-25 August adopted a resolution on ‘Alcohol consumption control - policy options in the South-East Asia Region

Øystein Bakke

The recent Regional Committee meeting of the WHO South East Asia Region in Dhaka from 21-25 August deliberated on several issues of importance to the countries and adopted resolutions on subjects of regional priority, including one on ‘Alcohol consumption control - policy options in the South-East Asia Region’:

According to the SEARO press release the Committee recognized that the adult per capita alcohol consumption in the Region has almost doubled in the last decade, and that this impacted negatively on the health of the population including social and economic consequences especially to the poor.  The Committee also noted the consequences of certain trade agreements that facilitate the free flow  and investment in alcohol, including the consumption and negative impact  in the Region. 

The Committee urged Member Countries to establish institutional capacity to generate information on consumption of alcohol and the related problems. They encouraged development of comprehensive national alcohol control policies with participation of stakeholders for reducing public health problems; to assess the potential impact of certain trade agreements on alcohol consumptions and to formulate effective policy interventions.

WHO was requested to support Member States to build institutional capacity to develop policies and guidelines to prevent harm from alcohol; to hold a biennial regional forum to share experiences and lessons.

The meeting also discussed the document on "Alcohol consumption control – policy options". Read the full text of the document here: ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION CONTROL – POLICY OPTIONS

Read the full text of the resolution at the WHO SEARO web site.

For more information see press releases:

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