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ADIC Fronts Alcohol Policy in Sri Lankan Election Campaign

The Alcohol and Drug Information Centre (ADIC) in Colombo put alcohol policies on the agenda during last years election campaign in Sri Lanka. 37 out of 40 "recommended" candidates got a seat in the Parliament.

Campaign: Example of an ADIC poster which is part of the "clean parliament" election campaign.

ADIC is involved in information and campaigns in Sri Lanka on issues related to alcohol, drugs and tobacco prevention. Since the start in 1987 the centre has grown to become a national resource centre with a wide variety of activities. Public policy on these issues is one of the fields of work. During last years campaign for the Parliamentary election ADIC ran a campaign with posters, advertisements in the newspapers and leaflets.

"Whatever the colour of the party, our preference will be those who prevent the use of alcohol and tobacco." This message was put forward to the constituencies all over Sri Lanka during the campaign period. ADIC opposed candidates who either received support from the tobacco or drinks industry or who have a record for promoting those industries. Based on their previous record ADIC prepared a list of the recommended candidates, two from each district – one from each of the ruling Peoples Alliance and the opposition United National Party.

Says Ajith Nawagamuwa who is in charge of the Policy Division in ADIC: "The campaign was a success and we received a lot of positive feed-back." Of the forty candidates recommended by ADIC, 37 were elected to the Parliament. Nawagamuwa points out that the composition of the Parliament in Sri Lanka is important because there is a bill regarding establishment of a National Authority on Tobacco and Alcohol waiting to go through. This bill, gazetted in September 1999, includes a prohibition of alcohol and tobacco advertisements. So far it has not passed through Parliament. The tobacco and drinks industries have been opposing the bill.

ADIC is also involved in research and evaluation, education, campaigns, community intervention and the media. It is also running an extensive library. The centre also has an in-house print shop.