Policies, education and mobilization

Despite the enormity of the challenge, evidence and experience strongly suggest that substance use problems can be reduced.  Such efforts require the political will to tackle the problems and a smart mix of government policies, education activities, and mobilization of communities and NGOs.  Particular attention should focus on implementing evidenced-based strategies, which necessarily include interventions to reduce the availability and the affordability of alcohol and illicit drugs.

Tadala Kakwesa Human Rights Malawi Nov 2009_140x119

Alcohol policy training in Malawi and Botswana

Malawi and Botswana became the two first countries to test a new training package on evidence-based alcohol policies. Namibia will be the next country early in 2010.

21. December 2009
Carlsberg produksjon 400p

Drinks industry supplanting government role in Sub-Saharan Africa

The multinational drinks industry has made attempts to take control over alcohol policy formulation in a number of African countries.

15. December 2009

Draft Global Alcohol Strategy goes to WHO Executive Board

The Executive Board of the World Health Organization will discuss a Draft Global Strategy to Reduce Harmful use of Alcohol in its January 2010 meeting. The documents, including the draft strategy are now available.

07. December 2009
Unrecorded alcohol front page

Diyanath Samarasinghe:


This paper by Professor Diyanath Samarasinghe at the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, gives an introduction to how the problem of unrecorded alcohol consumption can be understood and how it can be addressed; by communities, governments and NGOs.

25. June 2009
Reducing alcohol harm front page

Diyanath Samarasinghe:

REDUCING ALCOHOL HARM: things we can do

Three papers by professor Diyanath Samarasinghe explore various aspect of alcohol in a development setting. This booklet is for someone who is interested in learning how to make even his smallest action count.

25. June 2009
Rogers Kasirye, Uganda, co-chair of EAAPA (Photo: Per-Åke Andersson)

Eastern Africa Alcohol Policy Alliance established in Arusha

Representatives from non-governmental organizations from five countries, together with alcohol experts and resources persons, have now formed a network for alcohol policy advocacy work in Eastern Africa.

10. March 2009

Contributions to WHO strategy process are now published

Input from NGOs, alcohol industry and other institutions to the WHO process towards a Global Strategy are now available at the WHO web site.

09. March 2009
Rogers-Kasirye,-Moses-Waweru, Jennifer Kimani 140p web

Conference on the prevention of alcohol-related harm in East Africa

Arusha, Tanzania: East African conference with a strong appeal for evidence-based alcohol policies in the region.

28. January 2009
Professor Thomas Babor Sri L 2006[1]

Professor Thomas Babor: Effective and Evidence-base Interventions to reduce Alcohol-related Harm

A video presentation of the WHO sponsored report “Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity” by Professor Thomas Babor can be studied here.

26. January 2009
Tanzania / Naturalization of 1972 Burundian refugees / Photo story on Ogeste Gelavasi for the High Commissioner

Substance use in conflict and disaster situations

The UN High Commissioner on Refugees and the World Health Organization have produced a field guide for how to address alcohol and drug problems in populations affected by disaster or conflict.(Photo: UNHCR/B.Bannon)

26. January 2009