Policies, education and mobilization

Despite the enormity of the challenge, evidence and experience strongly suggest that substance use problems can be reduced.  Such efforts require the political will to tackle the problems and a smart mix of government policies, education activities, and mobilization of communities and NGOs.  Particular attention should focus on implementing evidenced-based strategies, which necessarily include interventions to reduce the availability and the affordability of alcohol and illicit drugs.


ActionAid exposes tax dodging by SABMiller

African countries loose out on beer taxes

In a recent report and campaign UK charity ActionAid asks brewing gigant SABMiller to stop dodging tax in Africa. The report reveals how the world’s second biggest brewer uses a complex system of tax havens to siphon profits out of subsidiaries in developing countries, depriving those governments of significant amounts of tax.

06. December 2010

New alcohol policy in the making in Malawi

Malawi has embarked on a process to develop a new national alcohol policy. “The Malawian way” could well serve as a model for other countries!

05. October 2010

Updated with Dr. M. Chan's closing remarks:

A Global Alcohol Strategy adopted by the World Health Assembly

The World Health Assembly passed on the 20th of May a resolution endorsing a Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol. It was a very interesting discussion in the Assembly where some 35 member states spoke - all in favour of the strategy. Three NGOs/civil society alliances also made statements supporting the resolution.

20. May 2010

A well grounded Global Strategy to Reduce Harmful Use of Alcohol

The World Health Assembly, at its meeting in May, will have before it a Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol.

26. March 2010
Front page ANOC 2

Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity – Second Edition

A new and updated edition of the book Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity is now available from Oxford University Press, written by an international group of alcohol researchers under the leadership of Professor Thomas Babor (picture below).


12. March 2010

Health researchers call for alcohol industry to prove no harm in funding of sports

Researchers from Australia and the UK are calling for a new approach to the debate over whether alcohol industry sponsorship of sports increases drinking among sports participants. They want to shift the burden of proof to the alcohol industry.

28. January 2010

Alcohol industry’s self regulation of advertising does not work

Alcohol companies do not abide with their own codes of conduct, according to a new review of alcohol advertising in the UK. The industry still promotes alcohol to young people, according to a report presented in the British Medical Journal.

28. January 2010

WHO Executive Board recommends alcohol strategy to Assembly

On Friday 22 January the WHO Executive Board Session passed a resolution which recommends to the World Health Assembly (WHA) to endorse the Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol.

25. January 2010

Existing alcohol legislation in Malawi

This paper, which is written by Zione Ntaba, reviews the existing legislation on alcohol in Malawi.

13. January 2010
Morten og Sydnes avtale 111209_140x91

Cooperation on alcohol and drug prevention

The Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) and FORUT Norway have signed an agreement to cooperate on alcohol and drug prevention in their development programs. The organizations believe that they will enhance the quality of their by work by combining their networks and expertise.

04. January 2010