Policies, education and mobilization

Despite the enormity of the challenge, evidence and experience strongly suggest that substance use problems can be reduced.  Such efforts require the political will to tackle the problems and a smart mix of government policies, education activities, and mobilization of communities and NGOs.  Particular attention should focus on implementing evidenced-based strategies, which necessarily include interventions to reduce the availability and the affordability of alcohol and illicit drugs.

Dr Chan Helsinki June 2013

WHO Director General Dr. Chan warns again against vested interests

“Efforts to prevent non-communicable diseases go against the business interests of powerful economic operators. In my view, this is one of the biggest challenges facing health promotion”, said Dr. Margaret Chan in her opening address to the Health for All conference in Helsinki.

14. June 2013
Dr. Chan, WHO

Dr. Chan will protect alcohol policy from industry

WHO Director General, Dr. Margaret Chan, will protect alcohol policy making from commercial or vested interests of the alcohol industry. She welcomes an initiative by researchers and civil society organizations that keep careful watch over the behaviour of the alcohol industry.

15. April 2013
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This is the Southern African Alcohol Policy Alliance

The Southern African Alcohol Policy Alliance (SAAPA) is a network of NGOs which advocate for evidence-based alcohol policies in countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Alliance now invites more NGOs to join.

10. April 2013
WHO Statement of Concern

Global public health community issues warning over alcohol industry conflict of interest

More than 500 public health professionals, health scientists and NGO representatives from 60 countries have signed a joint Statement of Concern about the activities of the global alcohol producers.

05. April 2013
Grootman of laaitie Sør-Afrika 140p

South Africa: Conflict over ban on alcohol advertising

A fierce discussion on possible restrictions on alcohol advertising is currently going on in South Africa. The 53rd ANC National Conference re-confirmed the ANC’s intention to introduce a ban on alcohol adverts.

25. February 2013
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Training program on evidence-based alcohol policies in developing countries

Blue Cross and FORUT have developed a training program on evidence-based alcohol policies. Training sessions have so far been held in seven countries in Africa.

18. February 2013
Jonas Ngulube 190p

YMCA: It is urgent to mobilize Zambian youth against a harmful drinking culture

- We are losing time. Drinking habits among Zambian youth should be treated as a national disaster. Otherwise all development efforts will be a failure, says Jonas Ngulube of YMCA Zambia. The organization has now held a series of mobilization meetings for youth in three regions of Zambia.

14. December 2012
FISD alcohol campaign 200p

Introducing FISD: Local alcohol and drug prevention in Sri Lanka

The Foundation for Innovative Social Development (FISD) is a national NGO working towards the improvement of living standards in local communities in Sri Lanka. One of their programs addresses alcohol and drugs as an obstacle to development.

04. October 2012
East African Alcohol Policy Alliance board_140x79

Alcohol policy alliance formed in East Africa

During the recent East Africa Conference on Alcohol a new alcohol policy alliance for the region was formed. Moses Waweru (in the middle of the picture) from Kenya is new chair.

27. September 2012

The Malawi Alcohol Policy Alliance established

A collaboration process for Malawian NGOs, which was triggered by advocacy efforts by the alcohol in industry in 2007, has now led to the formation of a national NGO alliance, MAPA, to work for evidence-based alcohol policies.

02. May 2012