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An alcohol policy alliance for Southern Africa under formation

An initiative to establish a Southern Africa Alcohol Policy Alliance has been taken. An interim board was elected at a meeting in Kampala.

Dag Endal

In the end of November 2010 NGO representatives from Southern and Eastern African countries met in Kampala, Uganda for a training of trainers session on evidence-based alcohol policies. Representatives from organisations in Namibia, Botswana, Malawi, Lesotho and South Africa used this opportunity to discuss the formation of an alcohol policy alliance for the region.

A first step towards such an alliance was taken by the election of an interim board. Smart Kachipare (picture left) representing Blue Cross Botswana was elected chairperson of the interim Board. Other members are Nelson Zakeyu from Malawi; Mahao Lehloenya, Lesotho; Tania Diederiks, South Africa and Lovemore Mughandira, Namibia.

At its first meeting the new interim board met with representatives from the Global Alcohol Policy Alliance, George Hacker and Øystein Bakke, to discuss how the regional alcohol policy work in Sub-Saharan Africa best can be developed and also coordinated with global efforts through GAPA. The training session also gave opportunity to learn from experiences collected by the Eastern Africa Alcohol Policy Alliance, which was represented by its chairperson, Rogers Kasiriye from Uganda.

The persons at the picture are, from left to right: Mahao Lehloenya, Øystein Bakke, Smart Kachipare, Nelson Zakeyu, Tania Diederiks, George Hacker and Lovemore Mughandira.



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