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Home > News >  7-9 October 2013 in Seoul: The Global Alcohol Policy Conference

7-9 October 2013 in Seoul: The Global Alcohol Policy Conference

The last Global Alcohol Policy Conference held in Thailand 2012 was a huge success. It is now time to start planning for the GAPC 2013 in Seoul in Korea.

Dag Endal

The GAPC13 is being held October Monday 7th October - Wednesday 9th October. The theme of the conference is 'Alcohol, Civil Society and Public Health: from Local and National Action to Global Change'

There will be the opportunity to submit abstracts of papers to present either orally or in poster format. NGOs should start thinking about examples of their advocacy and mobilisation work that would be of interest to the global community.

You can find more information at the 2013 conference website: www.gapc2013.com

More about GAPC 2012 can be found here.



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