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UNODC calls for a comprehensive approach to drug problems

New UNODC report
New UNODC report

Some have perceived a contradiction between drug prevention and treatment on the one hand and efforts to reduce the negative health and social consequences of drug use on the other. However, in a new discussion paper, UNODC says that these are in fact complementary rather than contradictory.

Dag Endal

The paper, "Reducing the adverse health and social consequences of drug abuse: A comprehensive approach" was published by the United nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) was presented 22nd of January. It is inspired by the international drug control treaties and supported by a growing body of scientific and medical evidence. Moreover, it was prepared in close consultation with the International Narcotics Control Board.

In the discussion paper UNODC calls for a comprehensive approach to drug abuse in which prevention and treatment of substance use disorders constitute the initial stages. Provision of facilities to reduce the harmful consequences of drug abuse complete the approach.

Download "Reducing the adverse health and social consequences of drug abuse: A comprehensive approach" from the UNODC web site here.



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