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Three new bookletsThree papers by Diyanath Samarasinghe, professor at the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, published as FORUT booklets explore various aspect of alcohol in a development setting. He addresses the role of unrecorded alcohol, some connections between alcohol and poverty and things we can do to reduce alcohol harm.
In regions where the unrecorded alcohol consumption is high, this fact necessarily has to be taken into account when planning strategies and interventions to reduce alcohol-related harm. Interventions directed to the formal, legal production and sale have to be combined with actions to control the unrecorded market. It is in the interests of government from both a fiscal and a policy perspective to move towards eliminating illicit production and sale and to bringing informal supply under the taxation system.
See more information and download or order here: UNRECORDED ALCOHOL
See more information and download or order here: REDUCING ALCOHOL HARM: things we can do
The impact of alcohol on poverty is more than through just the money spent on it. And the converse influence, of poverty on alcohol, has far more to it than found in the inane explanation that heavy consumption is the result of the harshness of poor lives. Less recognised aspects of the interactions between alcohol and poverty will be examined in some detail here. See more information and download or order here: ALCOHOL AND POVERTY: some connections See more FORUT publications on this page
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