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About ADD > FORUT - Campaign for Development and Solidarity

FORUT - Campaign for Development and Solidarity

FORUT is a Norwegian development organisation established in 1981 by three NGOs specialized in alcohol and drug prevention; IOGT Norway, Juvente and IOGT Junior Association. FORUT’s activities are financed through fund-raising campaigns and grants from the Norwegian and Swedish governments. FORUT has project activities in Sri Lanka, Nepal, India, Sierra Leone and Malawi.

FORUT will contribute to social mobilisation of the poor and oppressed in their struggle for human rights, being instrumental in reforming society to be responsive to these rights and needs. Solidarity means putting respect above pity, struggling together with underprivileged groups. FORUT draws a clear line against gifts or alms, but wishes to participate in the mobilisation and activation of human resources. An important task is organising against unjust, repressive and exploitative structures. We are working for a higher economic standard for the poor, but also for securing their daily lives, increasing their freedom and integrity, strengthening their social rights and contributing to human development.

Four program areas:

  • Alcohol drugs and Development (ADD)
  • Child Rights and Development
  • Gender Equality and women’s Rights
  • Crises Response and Recovery


All activities of FORUT should be based on partnership and be guided by the principle of upholding the human dignity of the people and groups who are partners in the process.

Mutual respect. For a partnership to work it is vital that the relationship is based on mutual respect. This indicates that we will strive to counterbalance the inequalities in a donor-recipient relationship. There should be a partnership where FORUT and the partner organisation are working towards common goals.

Democracy, transparency, and participation. For such a partnership to be healthy it is necessary to have transparency about intentions, modus operandi, organisational structure and priorities and possible alternative agendas. FORUT will establish partnership with organisations based on a participatory and democratic principle.

Clarity of roles, responsibilities and type of relationship are necessary guidelines to achieve a good working relationship with partners.

Building networks. FORUT will in addition to its working partners also strive to build a network of other NGOs, agencies, etc. with similar interest in development, alcohol and drugs, and other fields.

Principles for fundraising. FORUTs fundraising towards the public in Norway shall be guided by the principle of upholding the human dignity of the people and groups on whose behalf the funds are being raised. The information messages encapsulated in the fundraising activities should be based on factual knowledge and aimed at promoting tolerance, humanitarianism, open-mindedness, a sense of global responsibility and human rights.

Mobilising local resources

A guiding principle in development activities is one of mobilising local resources, as opposed to a service delivery model.

  • We believe there is a potential for development everywhere. FORUT wants to be a starting motor, strengthening people’s faith in their own power and capabilities. We want to do this in respect of local knowledge.
  • Local resources increase the development impact of the intervention and secure sustainability.
  • Aid alone does not solve the problems, but starts a process.
  • Only the people themselves can genuinely achieve their own liberation and development.
  • Recipient responsibility is distinctly different from charity, prevents dependency of aid, creates ownership, has a greater chance for relevant interventions and facilitates adapting to a cultural context.
  • Development activities mean working as a catalyst by releasing the inherent potential instead of coming in and doing the job.

See more information at the FORUT web site



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