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Home > News >  Global Alcohol Policy Conference in Bangkok in November
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Global Alcohol Policy Conference in Bangkok in November

The Global Alcohol Policy Conference 2011 will take place in Bangkok, Thailand 28 - 30 November. Title: “From the Global Alcohol Strategy to National and Local Action”.
Dag Endal

The Global Alcohol Policy Conference 2011 is jointly organized by government, intergovernmental and the NGO sector. Co-hosts are The Thai Ministry of Public Health, the Global Alcohol Policy Alliance (GAPA) and the Thai Health Promotion Foundation and with the World Health Organization.

See detailed information on the conference web site here.  

The conference will mark an important milestone for global alcohol control efforts following on from the endorsement of the WHO Global Strategy on Alcohol in 2010. The conference will bring together leaders from all over the world who are committed to working towards the development and implementation of effective alcohol policy free from commercial influence. It will provide an opportunity for policy makers, advocates, academics, and campaigners to share and exchange their knowledge and experience.

The conference will also be a platform for developing a truly global network and for discussing future efforts at the global level to reduce problems from alcohol. The conference aims at promoting evidence-based alcohol policy development and implementation through independent participatory public policy processes. It will also promote sharing of experiences and best practices in the alcohol policy process at all levels.

Elements of the program are:

  • Plenary and concurrent sessions
  • A half-day trip showcasing advocacy and community action
  • Welcome reception
  • Exhibition of national and international alliances
  • Oral/poster presentations


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